
Week 05

Jennifer Mankin

Looking Ahead (and Behind)

  • So far: Fundamental grammar

    • Amo, amas, amat…
    • Next up: Starting to converse!
  • This week: t-test
  • Coming up: Correlation, \(\chi^2\)

  • Further ahead: The Linear Model

Take-Away Paper

  • You will have some data, which you must use to:

    • Ensure the data contains the necessary measures and values

    • Decide on and create a summary and visualisation

    • Perform an appropriate statistical test

  • You should be prepared to explain and justify your analytic decisions!

Use Your Resources!

Everything we ask you to do in the TAP, you will have practiced multiple times in tutorials, skills labs, and worksheets.

To prep or get help, come to Skills Labs and practicals!

Take-Away Paper


  • Only available for 48 hours from Monday to Wednesday of Week 7
  • You can work on it as long as you want in the time available
  • Submit the rendered HTML file on Canvas

Read the TAP Information page on Canvas!



Other Fun Stuff

Participants Needed!

Invitation to participate in final-year dissertation research


Education Award

Nominate a member of staff who has inspired or made a difference to you

Nominate for the Education Awards here!

SavioR Award

Nominate a fellow student on the course who has helped you with R

Nominate for the SavioR Award here!


After this lecture you will understand:

  • The concepts behind comparing two means

    • Independent and paired samples t-tests
  • Where the t-statistic comes from

  • How to read histograms and means plots

  • How to interpret and report the results of t-tests

Comparing Two Means

  • Extremely common and fundamental testing paradigm

The Fundamental Question

Do people in one group score, perform, react, behave (etc.) differently than in another group?

  • Two types (for today!)

    • Independent: different entities/participants in each groups

    • Paired: same entities/participants in both groups

  • Very similar logic and interpretation, slightly different maths!

Taste the Rainbow: Synaesthesia (Redux)

  • People with synaesthesia have unusual sensory experiences

    • Experience colours for words, shapes for music, personalities for numbers, etc.

Grapheme-Colour Synaesthesia

  • Association between letters/words and particular colours

    • Tends to be consistent throughout life, beginning in childhood

    • So, synaesthetes might tend to notice language/spelling more often

Research Question

Do synaesthetes have a different cognitive style, compared to non-synaesthetes?

Conceptual hypothesis

Grapheme-colour synaesthetes have a more language-oriented cognitive style than non-synaesthetes

Data and Design: SCSQ

  • Mealor et al (2016): Sussex Cognitive Styles Questionnaire

    • Includes measures of imagery, language ability, and more
    • Example items: “I tend to notice if a word has the same letter repeated in its spelling”; “I enjoy learning new languages”
    • Validated on people with and without synaesthesia

Operational hypothesis

Synaesthetes will, on average, have a different score on the Language subscale of the SCSQ than non-synaesthetes

What is the null hypothesis?

Summary of Design

Research Question

Do synaesthetes have a different cognitive style, compared to non-synaesthetes?

Conceptual hypothesis

Grapheme-colour synaesthetes have a more language-oriented cognitive style than non-synaesthetes

Operational hypothesis

Grapheme-colour synaesthetes will have, on average, a different score on the Language subscale of the SCSQ than non-synaesthetes

Null hypothesis

Grapheme-colour synaesthetes will have, on average, the same score on the Language subscale of the SCSQ as non-synaesthetes

Having a Look

Let’s begin with all scores on the Language subscale together

Figure 1: SCSQ Language scores

Having a Look

Figure 2: SCSQ Language scores by synaesthesia group

Having a Look

Figure 3: SCSQ Language scores by synaesthesia group, with group means


  • The mean Language score for synaesthetes is higher than for non-synaesthetes

  • Are we done?

  • Of course not 😁

  • How different are these mean scores, accounting for how much scores vary?

    • How strong is the signal (the difference in means)…

    • Compared to the noise (the variation in mean differences)?

Steps of the Analysis

  • Calculate the test statistic (signal-to-noise ratio)
  • Compare that test statistic to its distribution under the null hypothesis
  • Obtain the probability p of encountering a test statistic of the size we have, or larger, assuming the null hypothesis is true

Vocabulary: Ratio

A number that captures the relative size of two quantities, expressed as how many times bigger the first quantity is than the second. Calculated as the first divided by the second.

e.g., if the seagull-to-human ratio in Brighton is 3, then there are 3 seagulls for every 1 human, or 3 times as many seagulls as humans.

A gif of a cat partially obscured by visual noise or 'snow' that make it a bit harder to interpret the image

Calculating the Test Statistic: The Signal

  • The “signal” is the relationship of interest

    • The variation in scores explained by group membership

    • Here: the relationship between being a synaesthete (or not) and Language score

  • Calculate the mean of each group

  • Subtract one mean from the other

  • The size of the difference in means is the signal

Having a Closer Look

Figure 4: Mean SCSQ Language scores by synaesthesia group, with 95% CIs

Calculating the Signal

  • Let’s get some numbers to work with 🤓

    • Mean in synaesthete group: 4.29

    • Mean in nonsynaesthete group: 3.55

  • Difference in the means (the “signal”) = 4.29 - 3.55 = 0.74
  • Is this a big difference, compared to how different we might expect any two sample means to be from the same population?

Calculating the Test Statistic: The Noise

  • The “noise” is the error, the variation NOT explained by group membership

  • The differences in means have a sampling distribution!

    • Exactly analogous to the sampling distribution of the mean
  • So, the “noise” is the standard error of the difference in means between synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes

    • Estimate of how different we expect any two sample means to be from the same population

Side Note: Why “from the same population”?

  • Remember: the null hypothesis was that on average, there’s no difference between synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes on Language score

    • Basically: group membership doesn’t matter
  • We’re sampling from the same population of scores; synaesthesia is irrelevant

    • Very small differences in means quite likely

    • Very large differences in means quite unlikely

Random sampling of dots in a population resulting in a distribution centred at 0 to illustrate that when you sample two groups randomly from the same population, larger differences in group means are increasingly unlikely to occur

Calculating the Noise

The maths get a bit more complicated here!

  • We can derive the standard error of the difference in means from s and N

\[s_{p}^2 = \frac{(n_{1} - 1)s_{1}^2 + (n_{2} - 1)s_{2}^2}{n_{1} + n_{2} -2}\] \[\hat{SE_{M_{diff}}} = \sqrt{\frac{s_{p}^2}{n_{1}} + \frac{s_{p}^2}{n_{2}}}\]

syn_lang_syn <- syn_data |> 
  dplyr::filter(syn_graph_col == "Yes") |> 

syn_lang_nonsyn <- syn_data |> 
  dplyr::filter(syn_graph_col == "No") |> 

n_syn <- length(syn_lang_syn)
n_nonsyn <- length(syn_lang_nonsyn)

sd_syn <- sd(syn_lang_syn, na.rm = TRUE)
sd_nonsyn <- sd(syn_lang_nonsyn, na.rm = TRUE)

sd_pooled <- (((n_syn - 1)*(sd_syn^2)) + ((n_nonsyn - 1)*(sd_nonsyn^2)))/(n_syn + n_nonsyn + 2)

mdiff_se <- sqrt((sd_pooled/n_syn) + (sd_pooled/n_nonsyn))
[1] 0.1151723

Steps of the Analysis, Redux

  • Calculate the (standardised) difference between mean scores

    • Divide the signal (difference in means) = 0.74…

    • By the noise (standard error of the difference in means) = 0.12

  • This is our “test statistic” t, or signal-to-noise ratio

\[t = \frac{signal}{noise} = \frac{M_{diff}}{SE_{M_{diff}}} = \frac{0.74}{0.12} = 6.43 \]

Vocabulary: Test Statistic

A number that captures the relationship or comparison of interest. Common examples include t, r, \(\chi^2\), F. Typically has the general form:

\[\frac{\text{estimate of the relationship or difference}}{\text{estimate of the variation in estimates}} \ \text{or} \ \frac{signal}{noise} \]

We Did It!!

…Or did we?

What does this number mean? How (un)likely is it?

Steps of the Analysis, Redux

  • Compare the test statistic to its distribution under the null hypothesis

  • Obtain the probability p of encountering a test statistic of the size we have, or larger, if the null hypothesis is true

What’s the Point?

  • The test statistic t is the difference in group means divided by their standard error

    • So, t represents how big the signal is compared to the noise
  • Each test statistic has its own known distribution under the null hypothesis

    • Known probability of encountering any given test statistic under the null hypothesis

    • Including t, which is (surprise) t-distributed


Larger values of t are increasingly unlikely under the null hypothesis (ie. when the “signal” is, in reality, 0)

What’s the Point?

Density plot of a bell-shaped t-distribution, with 3 degrees of freedom. Shape is similar to normal, but tails are longer. Critical value displayed on the plot for 3 degrees of freedom is 3.184

Would You Like Some t?

  • Naturally, t is t-distributed (here, with N1 + N2 - 2 degrees of freedom)

  • What can we conclude, given an \(\alpha\) level of .05?

If p > .05

Our results are likely to occur under the null hypothesis

We have no evidence that the null hypothesis is not true


If p < .05

Our results are unlikely to occur under the null hypothesis

It may in fact be the case that the null hypothesis is not true


Side Note: It’s Exactly Backwards

The word “significant” implies

  • Big
  • Noticeable
  • Having a large impact

So we might expect that “significant” means bigger than 0.05

It is the exact opposite of that!

Statistical significance expresses surprisingness - the probability of unlikely events

  • So, small p-values are “significant”, not large ones

That’s the t

After all of that work…R can do it for us instantaneously!

    Two Sample t-test

data:  scsq_language by syn_graph_col
t = -6.3394, df = 1209, p-value = 3.25e-10
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.9576637 -0.5049972
sample estimates:
 mean in group No mean in group Yes 
         3.554949          4.286279 

What do you think?

What should we conclude?

Would You Like Some t?

    Two Sample t-test

data:  scsq_language by syn_graph_col
t = -6.3394, df = 1209, p-value = 3.25e-10
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.9576637 -0.5049972
sample estimates:
 mean in group No mean in group Yes 
         3.554949          4.286279 

Reporting the Results

“On average, grapheme-colour synaesthetes scored higher on the Language subscale of the SCSQ (M = 4.29, SD = 0.61) than non-synaesthetes (M = 3.55, SD = 0.75). An independent samples t-test indicated that this difference was statistically significant (t(1209) = -6.34, p < .001, Mdiff = -0.74, 95% CI [-0.96, -0.5]).”

Interim Summary

Independent samples t-tests

  • Tests the null hypothesis that two samples come from the same population (i.e. Mdiff = 0)

  • Calculate test statistic t, which expresses signal-to-noise ratio

    • Size of the difference in means divided by the standard error of the difference in means
  • Then, evaluate the probability p of obtaining t of this size (or larger) under the null hypothesis

  • If p < \(\alpha\), we might conclude that group membership is associated with some difference

No Maths Required

You will not need to memorise, and will not be assessed on, the equations for pooled SD or SEMdiff!


Consider This

Does this constitute evidence that group membership (ie being a synaesthete or not) CAUSES a difference in language ability?

  • Next up: paired samples t-test

Do You Want Some Synaesthesia?

  • Being a synaesthete is super cool and a lot of fun

    • See cool colours all the time!

    • Have (very mundane and mostly unremarkable) superpowers!

  • What if everyone could be a synaesthete?

    • Can you train people to have synaesthesia?

Paired (Repeated) Design

  • Simplified version of Bor et al. (2014)

  • Train people to associate colours with letters

  • Test success of the training with a modified Stroop task

    • Outcome: naming speed pre- vs post-training

Three boxes illustrating the experimental design. The first is labeled 'Pre-test' and contains a green capital letter E, with the word 'green' beneath it. The second is labeled 'Training', can contains a capital letter E on a green background. The third is labeled 'Post-test'and contains a green capital letter E, with the word 'green' beneath it, identical to the first box.

Paired (Repeated) Design

  • Key difference: the same people participate in both conditions
id pre post
HZB89D 954.3002 895.3002
14994L 605.1047 544.1047
UIM6YD 830.1126 768.1126
TBR8Z7 697.5568 640.5568
C143ZP 523.6873 465.6873
ALR3HB 831.0576 771.0576
  • The data are paired

    • Both columns (pre and post) contain the same thing (here, reaction time)

    • Each row contains data from the same person

Example Output

    Paired t-test

data:  syn_train$pre and syn_train$post
t = 100.22, df = 13, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 57.65824 60.19890
sample estimates:
mean difference 

“There was a significant difference in mean colour naming times between pre- and post-training (t(13) = 100.22, p < .001, Mdiff = 58.93, 95% CI [57.66, 60.2]).”


  • In our first example, could we conclude that having synaesthesia causes you to pay more attention to language?

  • In our second example, could we conclude that having training causes you to associate colours with letters?

  • Why is this?

That’s the t

  • The t-test quantifies the size of the difference of two means (signal) compared to the error (noise)

  • Independent samples t-test

    • Tests means from different entities/participants

    • Independent or “between-subjects” design

  • Paired samples t-test

    • Tests means from the same entities/participants

    • Repeated or “within-subjects” design

  • Establishing causality is a function of study design not statistics!

Have a great day!

Participants Needed

Hybrid teaching and disability support study: rebrand.ly/hybrid_ds

ChatGPT and AI at University study: rebrand.ly/gpt_uni

Education Award

Nominate a member of staff who has inspired or made a difference to you

Nominate for the Education Awards here!

Gif of Kermit the Frog sipping a cup of tea.